Do This, Not That: A Guide to Body Language for Business

Do This, Not That: A Guide to Body Language for Business

There’s a little-known fact that 93 percent of communication is non-verbal.  What you’re selling aside, winning sales is really about the confidence you convey. If your potential clients trust what you’re saying, they’ll be more likely to buy-in to your recommendations. If they don’t trust you, even the best recommendations will fall on deaf ears. Use this body language guide to convey confidence and win more sales when interacting with potential clients.

DO strike a power pose

This is the superhero’s iconic pose because it literally powers you up. Research shows that a power pose not only makes others perceive you as confident and powerful, but it actually makes you feel that way. One study concluded that practicing power poses before a high-stakes scenario raises your body’s testosterone levels, while decreasing cortisol levels (your stress hormone).

DON’T cross your arms or legs

When you cross your arms, you signal defensiveness and distance yourself from whoever you are speaking with. When you cross your legs, you signal that you are resistant and unreceptive. Keep your arms and legs uncrossed in an appropriate way and others will find you more welcoming.

DO make eye contact

Making eye contact enhances your connection with the receiver of your gaze and shows respect, confidence and trust. When you’re speaking to a group of people, make sure you rotate your eye contact with each person and everyone will be more interested in what you have to say.

DON’T stare

Sometimes, trying to maintain eye contact can make people uncomfortable if it’s overly intense. To avoid this, use the facial triangle. By rotating your gaze between the two eyes and the mouth, you’ll avoid making people uncomfortable.

DO smile and laugh when appropriate

Smiling is a great tool in gaining trust and acceptance from others. It shows you’re a positive person and can make others feel more positive about what you’re saying. A great way to bond with someone is to laugh with them as well. However, the key to this is reading your audience and knowing when it’s appropriate to make a joke. 

DON’T rub your palms, face or neck

Rubbing your palms, face or neck is the universal sign for anxiety and stress. If you lack confidence in yourself, others will lack confidence in you also. Avoid doing this to show security and strength – even when the odds are against you.

DO maintain good posture

Nothing says sloppy and unconfident like someone who can’t carry themselves physically, let alone mentally. By sitting or standing up straight, you’ll add a couple of inches to your height and people will take you more seriously.

DON’T give a weak handshake

If there is anything which shows submission when first interacting with someone, it’s a weak handshake. A weak handshake conveys you’re a weak person, and no one wants to partner with a weak person in business.

DO steeple your hands

Hand-steepling is a favorite among politicians, as it conveys they can be trusted with important duties. If you want to come across as interesting, intelligent and confident, then you should adopt this trademark gesture. However, don’t lower your steeple mid-conversation as this shows a sudden loss in confidence.

Remember this guide the next time you’re meeting with a client and notice how their perception of you changes. Your sales may just skyrocket as a result!

Originally published on the SAGE Blog

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