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16 Ways Color Affects Your Branding & Marketing

Substantial research shows why color matters in branding and how it plays an important role in how we experience marketing. These 16 facts give you a glimpse into how you can use color to your advantage in branding and marketing your company. 1.  Up to 90% of judgement of a brand can be based on …


4 Quick & Dirty Tips for Engaging Content

The role of a marketer is never done. You must continue to find new ways to engage your audience and stay relevant. One of the best ways to keep your brand top of mind with your audience is through content marketing. Content marketing is any marketing that involves the creation and sharing of media and …


7 Ways to Take Advantage of Your Lunch Break

Taking a lunch break is important. It’s time when you can step away from your computer and have a little “me” time. Your lunch break should be a time when you can unplug and stop thinking about work so you can reenergize to make it through the rest of the day. Unfortunately, many of us are guilty of working …


30 Quotes That Will Motivate You to Kick A**

We all want to succeed in business and in life, but sometimes we could use an extra boost of motivation. Some of the most successful people we have ever known have failed many times before succeeding. So read on and let their words inspire you! “Outstanding leaders go out of their way to boost the …


What is Your LinkedIn Profile Saying About You?

Why should I be using LinkedIn? LinkedIn isn’t as much a social network as it is a professional network. It’s a worldwide community of professionals networking and sharing knowledge. Maintaining a personal LinkedIn profile helps you develop more meaningful connections with your contacts/colleagues and keep up with what’s going on in the promotional products industry. …


4 Reasons You Need a Mobile-Friendly Website

It used to be if you had a website, you had a huge competitive advantage over businesses without one. Now that everyone and their brother has a website, your website needs to be great if you want to get ahead. Part of any great website is a great user experience, regardless of how the user …


5 Fail-Proof Ideas for Your Company’s Instagram

What generates 70 million photos each day, 2.5 billion likes daily and has 300 million active users? You guessed it – Instagram. This photo-sharing social platform has really taken off over the past few years and many businesses are starting to take note. If you’ve been putting off your Instagram debut because you’re not quite …


3 Simple Ways to Boost Your Mood Right Now

Do you ever get a case of the Mondays…on a Thursday? We all get a down sometimes, but that doesn’t mean we need to stay there. Whether someone said something that upset you, you’re stressing about an approaching deadline, or you’re just feeling a little blue, give these three things a try and start feeling happier …


4 Steps to Using the Right Hashtags

In 2014, “hashtag” was added to the Merriam-Webster Dictionary. If that’s not an indication of how important hashtags have become, I don’t know what is. For those of you just tuning into the 21st century, a hashtag is used in social media to categorize a message. It is the pound sign followed by a keyword …


7 Ways to Instantly Make Your Website More User-Friendly

With more and more people preferring to conduct business exclusively online, a user-friendly website isn’t just desirable, it’s required if you want to be successful.  These simple tips will help you instantly make your website more user-friendly so you can get more visitors and turn your website into a profit center. 1. Make your site responsive …

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